The Innovation in Wool Awards are awarded annually to the individual(s) who shows the most innovative use of wool in any commercially viable application.
The Awards amount is up to £25,000 awarded across 1 to 3 winning project submissions, the winner(s) will be presented with a merit certificate, which is awarded at a City Livery dinner, and will benefit from a tailored mentoring program from a Livery member aligned to the project category and business guidance.
The Awards are promoted through a number of magazines, agricultural shows, Textile Societies, research organisations and social media. Applicants are invited to apply on line through the Campaign for Wool. The winner(s) will be announced 13 September 2022, and application entrants should be available this date for shortlist interviews ahead of the winner selections.
The Awards prize money is presented by the Charitable Trusts of the Worshipful Company of Woolmen and the Company of the Merchants of the Staple of England.
The Worshipful Company of Woolmen, one of the oldest Livery companies in the City, and The Company of the Merchants of the Staple of England Charitable Trust, a national Livery company based in York, believe that they should do more for the industry from whence they came, namely the Wool Industry. Both have very long pedigrees going back to 1180 for the Woolmen and 1283 for the Staple.
The Industry has suffered long term decline in the UK over many years. There are now some signs that the industry is beginning to show an upturn and both Companies, in conjunction with the Campaign for Wool, wish to recognise this and make a contribution to supporting innovation in the use and application of wool.
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