26 June 2015

Campaign for Wool New Zealand set themselves a task to create a woolly movement during Wool Week this year with their #WEARWOOLYOURWAY social campaign.

From pulling on your favourite wool sweater or curling up under a family heirloom blanket to taking a seat on your fluffiest wool chair, they wanted to see a shot of it all in action. Images have been flooding in across Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. See below for some of our personal favourites:

Winners were selected at the discretion of the Campaign for Wool New Zealand chair, Philippa Wright. See below for the first two winners in the category for most creative and Philippa’s personal favourite:

Most creative entry, Elaine McGregor 

Elaine McGregor, winner for the most creative use of wool, is wearing two upcycled old wool jerseys transformed into this one-of-a-kind outfit….with the help of some knitting too! She says, “I love working with wool creating garments that last and are sustainable!”.

Personal favourite winner, Charlotte 

It’s all grins and giggles for Charlotte, knowing that she’s lovingly wrapped in a wool jersey and hat that her Granny made for her. Her mum, Kate, says she is super lucky to have both of her grandmothers knitting wool items for her so she’s always cosy and warm.

Charlotte was one of the first entries that came through to the New Zealand team and featured multiple times across the contest wearing clothes from her loving grandmothers!

Stay tuned over on Twitter with #wearwoolyourway and on the @CampaignforWoolNZ Facebook page where they’ll be announcing more winners on Monday.



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