The Campaign for Wool has joined with the Association of Guilds of Weavers, Spinners and Dyers to celebrate their 60th Anniversary. Together, we want to create a new generation of hand spinners and preserve one of the wool industry’s original skills. So we
have created a great new promotion called TwinSpin!
TwinSpin is all about learning how to spin natural fleece wool into wool yarn with the help of an experienced spinner. TwinSpin will pair you with an enthusiast who will
help you learn the impressive art of spinning yarn. If you are a textile student, a knitter, a
crafter – you can be dyed in the wool or new to the wool – its just about interest and enthusiasm!
The objective of the Association are the preservation and improvement of the craftsmanship in hand weaving, spinning and dyeing for the benefit of the public and the promotion of public education in such craftsmanship.
The Association has over 100 Guilds across the UK and beyond and some 5000+ members.
Find your TwinSpin now by contacting
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@campaignforwool #choosewool
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